Exploding Colors with Baking Soda and Vinegar

 Ages: 5-10

Objective: Introduce children to chemical reactions and color mixing through a fun and visually stimulating experiment.

Materials Needed:

  1. Baking soda
  2. White vinegar
  3. Food coloring (various colors)
  4. Baking sheet or large tray
  5. Small containers or bowls
  6. Pipettes or droppers
  7. Plastic spoons


  1. Prepare the Tray:

    • Spread a thin layer of baking soda evenly across the baking sheet or large tray.
  2. Set Up Color Containers:

    • Fill small containers or bowls with white vinegar. Add a few drops of different food coloring to each container and mix well.
  3. Add Colors to Tray:

    • Use pipettes or droppers to suck up the colored vinegar. Drop the colored vinegar onto the baking soda on the tray.
  4. Observe the Reaction:

    • Watch as the colored vinegar reacts with the baking soda, creating fizzy, bubbling reactions. Observe how the colors mix and spread across the tray.


  • The Exploding Colors experiment demonstrates a chemical reaction between baking soda (a base) and vinegar (an acid). When they combine, they produce carbon dioxide gas, creating bubbles and fizz. The addition of food coloring makes the reaction visually exciting and allows kids to see color mixing in action.


  1. Try Different Colors: Experiment with different combinations of food coloring to create new colors and observe how they mix during the reaction.

  2. Discuss Chemical Reactions: Explain the basics of acids and bases to children, using the reaction they observe as an example.

  3. Experiment with Amounts: Change the amount of baking soda or vinegar used to see how it affects the reaction's intensity.

  4. Record Observations: Have children draw or write about their observations, describing the colors and reactions they see.

  5. Create Patterns: Encourage kids to create specific patterns or designs with the colored vinegar drops before observing the reactions.

Safety Note:

  • Ensure children handle vinegar and baking soda carefully to avoid spills and contact with eyes. Supervise young children during the experiment.

This experiment is a fun way to engage children in scientific exploration while teaching them about chemical reactions and color mixing in an interactive and memorable manner. 


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