Colorful Celery Experiment

 Ages: 5-10

Objective: Demonstrate how plants absorb water and transport it through their stems using a colorful and visually appealing approach.

Materials Needed:

  1. Celery stalk (with leaves intact)
  2. Clear glass or jar
  3. Water
  4. Food coloring (assorted colors)
  5. Knife (for cutting celery, adult supervision required)
  6. Tray or plate (to catch any spills)


  1. Prepare the Celery:

    • Cut the bottom of the celery stalk to create a fresh surface. This helps the celery absorb water more easily.
  2. Add Water and Food Coloring:

    • Pour water into the clear glass or jar, filling it about halfway.
    • Add a few drops of food coloring into the water. Stir gently to mix the colors.
  3. Place Celery in the Glass:

    • Place the cut end of the celery stalk into the glass of colored water. Ensure the celery is standing upright and the leaves are above the water level.
  4. Observe and Wait:

    • Leave the celery in the colored water for several hours (4-6 hours or overnight). Keep it in a well-lit area.
  5. Check and Record Observations:

    • After the waiting period, observe the celery stalk. Notice how the leaves and stalk have absorbed the colored water.


  • The Colorful Celery experiment demonstrates how plants absorb water through their stems (via capillary action) and transport it to different parts of the plant, including the leaves. The food coloring travels up the celery stalk, visibly showing how water moves through the plant.


  1. Change Variables: Experiment with different colors of food coloring or concentrations of colored water to observe how it affects the absorption rate and color intensity in the celery.

  2. Discuss Plant Anatomy: Explain to children how plants use water and nutrients for growth and photosynthesis, and how water moves through the plant’s vascular system.

  3. Compare with Different Plants: Try the experiment with different types of plants (e.g., white flowers with colored water) to see if they absorb water in a similar way.

  4. Measure and Record Growth: Keep a journal to measure and record any changes in the celery’s appearance over time, including growth and color intensity.

  5. Draw Conclusions: Have children write down their observations and conclusions about how plants absorb water and nutrients.

Safety Note:

  • Supervise children during the experiment, especially when using the knife and handling glassware. Ensure they do not ingest any of the materials used.

This experiment not only teaches children about plant biology and water absorption but also encourages observation, critical thinking, and hypothesis testing in a fun and hands-on way.


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