DIY Bouncy Balls


Ages: 8-12

Objective: Engage children in a fun and educational activity to learn about polymers and chemical reactions by making their own bouncy balls.

Materials Needed:

  1. Borax powder (available at most grocery stores)
  2. Cornstarch
  3. White glue (such as Elmer's glue)
  4. Warm water
  5. Food coloring (optional)
  6. Measuring spoons
  7. Plastic cups
  8. Craft sticks or spoons for mixing
  9. Small plastic molds or containers (optional)
  10. Paper towels or newspapers for cleanup


  1. In a plastic cup, mix 2 tablespoons of warm water with 1/2 teaspoon of borax powder. Stir until the borax powder is completely dissolved. This will be your borax solution.

  2. In another plastic cup, mix 1 tablespoon of white glue with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the glue mixture and stir until well combined.

  3. Slowly pour the borax solution into the glue mixture while stirring continuously. As you stir, you should see the mixture start to thicken and clump together.

  4. Continue stirring and mixing until the mixture becomes too thick to stir with the craft stick or spoon.

  5. Once the mixture has reached a dough-like consistency, use your hands to knead it together until it forms a smooth, uniform ball. If the mixture is too sticky, you can add a little more cornstarch to help it firm up.

  6. Roll the mixture into a ball shape using your hands. If desired, you can also press the mixture into small plastic molds or containers to create different shapes.

  7. Allow the bouncy balls to dry for at least 15-20 minutes before testing them out.

  8. Once dry, bounce the balls on a flat surface and observe how high they bounce.


  • The bouncy balls are made from a mixture of white glue and cornstarch, which are both polymers. When mixed together with the borax solution, a chemical reaction occurs that forms cross-links between the polymer chains, creating a bouncy, rubbery material.


  1. Experiment with different ratios of ingredients to see how it affects the texture and bounce of the balls.
  2. Discuss with children the properties of polymers and how they are used in everyday materials.
  3. Encourage kids to get creative with their bouncy ball designs by adding glitter, sequins, or small beads to the mixture before forming the balls.
  4. Challenge children to hypothesize what might happen if they change the temperature of the water or vary the amounts of each ingredient.
  5. Host a bouncy ball competition to see whose ball bounces the highest or has the most unique design.

Safety Note:

  • Supervise children closely during the experiment, especially when handling borax powder and other ingredients. Remind them not to ingest any of the substances used.


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