Egg Drop Challenge


Ages: 8-14

Objective: Engage children in critical thinking, problem-solving, and physics principles by challenging them to design and build a contraption that can protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a height.

Materials Needed:

  1. Eggs (at least one per participant)
  2. Assorted materials for building (e.g., cardboard, bubble wrap, cotton balls, straws, tape, rubber bands, popsicle sticks, feathers, foam, etc.)
  3. Scissors
  4. Markers or paint (for decoration)
  5. Measuring tape or ruler
  6. Optional: Safety goggles for eye protection


  1. Introduce the Egg Drop Challenge to the participants and explain the objective: to design and construct a device that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a specific height.

  2. Provide participants with the materials and set clear guidelines, such as a maximum size or weight limit for the contraption.

  3. Allow participants time to brainstorm ideas and plan their designs. Encourage them to consider concepts such as shock absorption, cushioning, and structural integrity.

  4. Once participants have finalized their designs, give them time to build their contraptions using the provided materials.

  5. After construction is complete, gather the participants at a designated drop zone (such as an outdoor area or a high table).

  6. One by one, participants will drop their contraptions from the predetermined height. Participants should ensure their contraptions are oriented correctly before dropping.

  7. After each drop, carefully inspect the egg to determine if it survived the fall without breaking.

  8. If the egg survived, participants can make adjustments to their designs and try again. If the egg broke, participants can analyze what went wrong and make improvements for future attempts.

  9. Continue dropping the contraptions until all participants have had the opportunity to test their designs.

  10. Conclude the challenge with a discussion about the design process, what worked well, what could be improved, and the physics principles involved.


  • The Egg Drop Challenge demonstrates principles of physics, including gravity, acceleration, force, and momentum.
  • Participants must apply their knowledge of these principles to design a contraption that can effectively absorb the energy of impact and protect the fragile egg.


  1. Experiment with different drop heights to vary the level of difficulty and challenge participants to adjust their designs accordingly.
  2. Introduce constraints such as limited materials or specific design requirements to add complexity to the challenge.
  3. Encourage participants to research real-world applications of impact-resistant materials and engineering principles.
  4. Host a competition with categories such as "Most Creative Design," "Best Overall Protection," or "Longest Surviving Drop."
  5. Invite participants to present their designs and share their design process with the group, promoting communication and teamwork skills.

Safety Note:

  • Ensure participants handle materials and drop the contraptions safely to prevent injury. Use caution when dropping objects from heights, and ensure the drop zone is clear of hazards.


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